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Barial blackk 32:
[ismember] members [/ismember]
[wlm_expiry levelname] replace levelname
[wlm_expiry levelname]
Here they are in text:
* First Name: [wlm_firstname]
* Last Name: [wlm_lastname]
* Email: [wlm_email]
* Membership Level: [wlm_memberlevel]
* Username: [wlm_username]
* Login Form: [wlm_loginform]
Use [nonmember] your text goes here
[/nonmember] to display text for non-members only.
Use [ismember] your text goes here
[/ismember] to display text for members only.
[private_gold] Gold Level text goes here
Offer of the month
[wp_cart_display_product name=”(CASIO) Analogue Watch (Black) ” price=”9.97″ thumbnail=”” description=”(CASIO) Analogue Watch (Black)
[ismember] [wp_cart_display_product name=”(CASIO) Analogue Watch (Black) ” price=”7.97″ colutton=”1″ thumbnail=”” description=”(CASIO) Analogue Watch (Black)
[wp_cart_button name=”Test dddd dduct” price=”29.95″] [ismember] members [wp_cart_button name=”Test dddd dduct” price=”29.95″ colutton=”1″] [/ismember]
[wp_cart_button name=”Teddd d uct” price=”29.95″]
[wp_cart_button name=”My Download” price=”5.00″ file_url=””]
[wp_cart_button name=”Test Product” price=”25.95″ var1=”VARIATION-NAME|VARIATION1|VARIATION2|VARIATION3″]
[wp_cart_display_product name=”My Awesome Product” price=”25.00″ thumbnail=”” description=”This is a short description of the product”]
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